Monday, February 9, 2009

What happened?

Many are asking what actually happened to Nathan so here it is. He was on a snowboard trip with The Farm. We went to Keystone for two days of riding and on the second day Nathan was doing some jumps in the park. He had already been doing well on the jumps and decided to do a little bit larger jump that was about 30 feet from the top of the jump to where he could land. Unfortunately he went off the jump off balance and landed a little ways down the landing on his back and hit his head. All-in-all he traveled about 40 feet in the air before impact. The impact knocked him unconscious even though he was wearing a helmet. They got paramedics on the scene very quickly and they determined he needed immediate help. He was taken down the mountain on a sled while a paremedic road with him and helped him breath. They decided to sudate him in the mountain ER and take him to Denver via flight for life. At the hospital he had a CAT scan where they were able to asertain the entire damage. Altogether he broke ribs 1 through 5 on his back which caused a little bit of fluid to gather on his right lung. They will be keeping a close eye on this in case of pneumonia. He also broke his colar bone but that looks okay. He does have a brain injury but doesn't look like anything permanent. He also has some minor fractures on his vertibrae but nothing close to his spinal cord and absolutley no paralysis--he has already moved all of his limbs.He is currently sedated and can only have immediate family as visitors. Please be praying for him and us and we will let you know when he can have visitors. Quick update: They are still keeping him under to let his body rest. He is in ICU still. Just monitoring to make sure that nothing changes. Still hasn't been conscious. It looks like he has a wicked concussion but he doesn't show any signs of bleeding or swelling. Dr. said if he hadn't been wearing a helmet it could have been much worse. Thanks again for all of the thoughts and prayers. NATE IS AWAKE!!! They took him off sedation and he started to wake up. Once he started to wake up he was trying to get the breathing thing out of his mouth so they went ahead and took it out. He was able to sustain breathing on his own and now he can talk. He is already joking around and the thing he is most bummed about is not being able to snowboard for the rest of the season. He seems to be completley himself. We told him how serious it was (cause he doesn't remember anything) and his reaction was, "Thank you God." He is recovering so much faster than the Dr. was saying so we are so thankful for your prayers and God's power in this. Thank you.So, since they took the breathing tube out last night Nate has been breathing on his own with occasional oxygen when he's on pain meds. His right lung still has some extra air (?) and some blood in it so they are keeping a close eye on that. He is starting to feel some of the pain now and they have him doing breathing exercises which hurt but will hopefully keep him from getting pneumonia. Kyle came in last night from Maine. Nate is very in and out and mostly drifts out mid sentence. I guess he needs some rest. But, praise God, when he is awake he is very much himself. He's asked us not to eat in front of him because he is starving and can't have food yet. One of his first sentences last night was, "I wish I could have a BCB or a cheeseburger." You can see what I mean about him being himself. Also he's bummed that they had to cut off his snowboarding jacket and pants. He is healiing faster than they prepared us for at first. If all continues to go well he will be out of ICU by the end of today or tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nate. You I don't know if you remember me, regardless of the accident, but my names Jovi and I was in your Honors History class with Mr.Shaw (Eeek) last semester. I sat kinda next to you when you were able to get to your desk before Blake haha. Anyway, I wanted to let you and your family know that you all will be in prayers and the prayers of family.
    Also, I know that everything that is happening is very scary for you all. My aunt was in ICU about 2 years ago, and the prognosis wasn't good. They saw cancer, and gave us about 2-3 weeks. We prayed nonstop, friends we're praying, candles we're being lit, we stayed positive and most importantly we had hope. Within those 2-3 weeks she did NOT get worse, but better. The cancer they saw disappeared, and the bad numbers they saw evened out. Just remember that during this whole process. The power of pray is the stronger thing there is. Keep praying and hoping.
    Hope your feeling better Nate! We'll see you soon!
